Prime Video recently announced the exclusive global release of Hostel Daze Season 3, which was followed by trailer launch of the much-awaited coming-of-age show. Ever since then, there’s been a lot of excitement among audiences about the new chapter. Created by TVF and directed by Abhinav Anand, this show is bringing back the story of 6 college friends who face mid-life crises as they enter the third year of engineering college. Taking the viewers on a fun-filled rollercoaster ride, Ahsaas Channa, one of the friends in the show, decodes what is different this season.
Speaking about having a new director on board and showcasing different elements this season, Ahsaas said, “This time there are going to be a lot of surprises. The first two seasons saw Ankit and Akanksha liking each other. In Season 3, the audience will see their bond growing and they becoming a couple. Apart from this, there is another love angle this season. My favorite element in this series is that we worked with a lot of different comedians who will be seen as guest appearances. The story comes from a new lens thanks to the new director, Abhinav Anand. With all these diverse elements, one thing that has remained the same is the core essence of the show.”
Created by The Viral Fever (TVF), directed by Abhinav Anand, the comedy drama will see the groups of friends portrayed by Ahsaas Channa, Luv Vispute, Shubham Gaur, Nikhil Vijay, Ayushi Gupta, and Utsav Sarkar back in college with triple the comedy and craziness. Hostel Daze Season 3 exclusively releasing on November 16 on Prime Video in India and across 240 countries and territories worldwide.