A Comprehensive Approach to Pulmonary Services: ApolloHospitalleadsthewaywithinterventionaltechniques,Forthefirst timeinKarnataka,Bangalore



Bengaluru, September 27, 2022 – COVID has drastically shifted the healthcare landscape and fundamentally changed how wedeliver healthcare in our country. The pandemic taught us the importance of pulmonarydiseasesandearlyintervention.Cross-departmentalcollaborationanduseofefficienthigh-endtechnologyhavebeenkey focus areasfor enhancing respiratorysub-specialty area.

Apollo, is a renowned multidisciplinary healthcare group with a rich history of over 35 years.We are dedicated to excellence, innovation and patient satisfaction. Our mission is to providethehighestqualityofcarethroughaseamlessandcoordinatedcontinuumofservicethatleadsto better outcomes for our patients. Department of Pulmonology, Bangalore is world renownforourclinicalservice,publicationsinnationalandinternationaljournals,innovationaccepteduniversallyand proven track record in thefield ofhealthcare.

We aim to take the Integration of Advanced Pulmonary service program across the ApolloNationalSystem.Thisistoensureallourpatientsbenefitfromthehighestlevelofclinicalcareandexpertise,withstate-of-the-artinfrastructureandtechnology.Thisispossiblebyintroducingunique,stateoftheartmodalitiesandexploringsolutionstoallrespiratoryrelatedailments.

There are few other similar programs/ service integrations across the national landscapeoffering such an integrated and comprehensive model of services. Our total holistic, advancedapproach to the field integrating with allied services enables us to achieve and provide nextgenerationmedication and treatment toourpatients under oneumbrella.

Our Gamut of Services at the Department of Pulmonology, Bangalore – New solution to olddiseases:

  1. Asthma Care – Taken to a high level, incorporating a systematic approach via the launchof Special Airway Clinic, strengthened with the usage of our latest procedure BronchialThermoplastyin patients with severeBronchial Asthma.
  2. ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease(COPD)-Ahighlydevelopedsystematicapproach via Special Airway Clinic using new generation medication and the latestmodality “Inter-Vapor Therapy”, also known as Lung Volume Reduction. We are one ofthepioneers who haveintroduced this therapy in theIndia.
  3. Scarring of Lungs/ Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) – Specialty ILD clinics already inmotionwithstate-of-the-artclinicalcareandinfrastructureincludingservicesliketransplant.
  4. Transplant – At Apollo our Transplant program caters to patients with advanced and endstagelung diseases.
  5. Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) – As a treatment modality ECMO isincludedin our high-end,comprehensivecarearmamentarium.

With the exponential rise in Lung Cancer, integration of specialties is a necessity. At Apollo,wehaveintegratedChestMedicineandOncologytoequipcliniciansandstate-of-the-arttechnologytodealwiththedisease,startingfromdiagnosistoaccuratemulti-modalitymanagement.

Dr Ravindra M Mehta, Chief of Pulmonology and Critical Care, Apollo Specialty Hospitals,Bangaloresays,“Ourmantratoachievedesirableresultsistointegrateallservices.Technology is taken to the highest level comparable and/or is better than many setups inEuropeandNorthAmericawiththeskillstomatchthatTechnology.Ourfocusisondeliveringthe best possible health care services, together with the highest level of training and support.With a 360-degree comprehensive approach to healthcare, we are able to integrate otherspecialtieslikeOncologyand IntensiveCare.

We are pioneers in Academics and an out-stretching field, we rely heavily on CollaborationandContinuouseducationprogramsbymeansofcourses,workshopsandconferenceswiththeusageofSimulators.RecentlyweorganizedaninternationalworkshoponHybridModelwhere150+participants joinedvirtually & 100+ werephysically present.

ApolloHospitalsareconstantlyupgradingtheir services andexpandingtheirhorizon.

At Apollo Hospitals, we ensure absolute safety measures for patients, providing care andcomfort.

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