A total eight films of Gaurav Dewasi, who have made their mark in the film industry from Kothar village,Pali district of Rajasthan state, have come in which they have played many roles in which Police Inspector, Friend, Hero, Student etc. Most recently their Gujarati. film Prem Thi Jovo has also been released which was quite a success, Gaurav Devasi is struggling in the film industry for the last eight years. When Devasi became a hero in the society, many people also boycotted him because till date no one went to the film in the society, but still Devasi did not give up and as soon as he earned a name in the film industry, then the whole society was with him & welcome . Along with the name of pride, the name of the society has also been illuminated. There are 2 brothers and parents wife and children in the family of Dewasi. He always gives the same message to everyone that do not lag behind in hard.working.